1. Bloodmaul Slag Mines Located Map
  2. Bloodmaul Slag Mines Follower

On the northern outskirts of Frostfire Ridge, the Bloodmaul ogres run a brutal mining operation amidst the sweltering heat of active volcanic caverns. Slaves from across Draenor are transported to the mines, never to leave alive.

Frostfire Ridge is a zone on the continent of Draenor in the World of Warcraft game. The zone has a snow environmental feel to it. . Frostfire Ridge has quests for players leveled 90-. The area is not controlled by either faction and has quests for both factions. There is one dungeon or raid located in this zone.

Frostfire Ridge is a location on Draenor, the original home world of the Orcs before they invaded Azeroth. Frostfire Ridge is the home of the Frostwolf Clan, the clan that is led by the legendary Durotan. It is a bleak, cold, ice desert location with large amount of open expanse reminiscent of Antarctica. Unlike Antarctica though, there are large amounts of lava to put the fire in its name.

Bloodmaul Slag Mines is a Level 90-92 levelling dungeon in Warlords of Draenor located in Frostfire Ridge. Heroic, Mythic, and Challenge Mode difficulties become available for players at Level 100. WoD Alpha Previews: Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Frostfire Ridge Exploration. Publicado a las 14:15 por oliviadgrace. 1 thought on “ Cross Country to Frostfire Ridge and the Bloodmaul Slag Mines ” gwjanimej January 1, 2015 at 2:22 am. I’d recommend the swap to the Hunter. They’re very solid in terms of output, and on the whole I feel like all the specs are in a fairly good spot, or are being worked on to get there. Bloodmaul Slag Mines is a dungeon whose entrance is located in Frostfire Ridge on the continent of Draenor in the World of Warcraft game. The minimum level for this dungeon is 90. The instance was released in the Warlords of Draenor expansion. The dungeon contains 4 bosses.

Frostfire is the starting zone for the Horde players with their Garrison situated to the south east of Stonefang Outpost. To any Alliance that may fly over the area, the Garrison will not show up, it is cloaked you could say.

The zone has large Ogre settlement, the largest of which is Bladespire Fortress where the Ogres have captured lesser beings for slaves. There is an achievement to rescue as many slaves as possible.

Magnarok is a fiery/icy area that has occasional daily quests for players of both sides to complete. There is one Alliance outpost on the eastern side and a friendly to both Outpost in North Central part of the zone where players can fly to for the Bloodmaul Slag Mines dungeon. There are no raids in this zone, only the one dungeon.

During Winterveil, there are a number of dailies to be had in and around Daggermaw Ravine. If you complete all the quests and hand in for present, you have a chance of gaining a mount, Minion of Grumpus. In addition to the mountain, you will be able to pick up a pet Grumpus by picking up the snowballs on the dailies area.

Map of Frostfire Ridge

List of Frostfire Ridge Dungeons and Raids

DungeonTypeLevelHeroic Level
Bloodmaul Slag MinesDungeon90Y


On the northern outskirts of Frostfire Ridge, the Bloodmaul ogres run a brutal mining operation amidst the sweltering heat of active volcanic caverns. Slaves from across Draenor are transported to the mines, never to leave alive. The Slag Mines produce abundant yields of gemstones and ore, but it is rumored that the true purpose of these mines is to dig for an ancient relic of immense power.



The ogre geomancers of Frostfire pride themselves on harnessing the elements, but sometimes they overreach. Gog'duh has stoked the flames of his forge to new heights, driving Magmolatus into such a fury that it requires Gog'duh's full concentration to keep the raging slag elemental under control.

Key abilities

Forgemaster Gog'duh hurls two greater elementals at the party in an attempt to buy time. When the Forgemaster is critically wounded, Magmolatus escapes from the furnace and engages the party. Magmolatus periodically calls in Molten Elementals to assist him.

What to think about depending on your role

  • While Forgemaster Gog'duh is alive, defeat the elementals called into combat.
  • Interrupt Calamity's Firestorm to prevent heavy Fire damage.
  • While Magmolatus is active, kill Molten Elementals to avoid being overwhelmed.
  • Dispel Dancing Flames and Withering Flames quickly to prevent them from spreading.
  • If uninterrupted, Firestorm can do a lot of damage to a large area!
  • Rough Smash and Slag Smash both do high damage and stun players!
  • Molten Elementals are immobile and cannot be tanked.

Slave Watcher Crushto

This cruel ogre taskmaster oversees the mining operation within the sweltering pits beneath Frostfire Ridge. Slaves from across Draenor are delivered to Crushto's care, who views them as expendable and will not hesitate to bludgeon them into submission (or worse) if they step out of line.

Key abilities

Slave Watcher Crushto attacks the party with powerful crushing attacks that break the earth beneath him.
He periodically calls upon Captured Miners to aid him, but some of the slaves take the opportunity to fight for their freedom and instead assist the players.

What to think about depending on your role

  • Interrupt Slave Watcher Crushto when he casts Ferocious Yell.
  • Kill hostile enslaved miners so they do not overwhelm your group.
  • Hostile Captured Miners will focus on allies who have been struck by Crushing Leap.
  • Heal friendly rebelling miners to keep them in the fight.
  • Interrupt Slave Watcher Crushto when he casts Ferocious Yell.
  • Enemy miners will fixate on players hit by Crushing Leap, ignoring taunt effects during this time.


Roltall is a fearsome elemental conjured by Gug'rokk himself and tethered to the threshold of Gug'rokk's chambers as a final bit of insurance in case of a slave revolt. The fiery creature keeps eternal vigil in its appointed place, calling down molten rock to repel any intruders.

Bloodmaul Slag MinesBloodmaul slag mines guide

Key abilities

Roltall stands motionless at the end of his bridge, calling down fire and molten slag to crush his enemies.

What to think about depending on your role

  • Avoid the Fiery Boulders that Roltall sends rolling down the length of his bridge.
  • When Roltall repels players with Heat Wave, move to avoid being pushed into pools of Burning Slag.

Bloodmaul Slag Mines Located Map

  • Avoid the Fiery Boulders that Roltall sends rolling down the length of his bridge.
  • Roltall's Heat Wave deals sustained damage to the entire party.
  • Avoid the Fiery Boulders that Roltall sends rolling down the length of his bridge.
  • When Roltall repels players with Heat Wave, move to avoid being pushed into pools of Burning Slag.


Born in the capital of Highmaul, Gug'rokk was at first disdainful of his assignment as the governor of the Bloodmaul mines deep within Frostfire. Over time, however, he has come to appreciate the merits of operating on the outskirts of the Gorian Empire, with absolute control and minimal oversight.

Key abilities

The elementalist Gug'rokk hurls blasts of molten rock at enemies. He periodically summons unstable slag elementals that slowly move towards a kiln, surging with destructive energy if they are able to reach their goal.

What to think about depending on your role

  • Interrupt Gug'rokk's [Molten Blast] to prevent him from gaining Molten Core.
  • Defeat Unstable Slag Elementals before they can reach their target kiln, or they will gain Empowered Flames.
  • Be prepared for Unstable Slag Elementals to inflict damage to the party through Unleashed Flames.

Bloodmaul Slag Mines Follower

  • Interrupt Gug'rokk's Molten Blast to prevent him from gaining Molten Core.