Craig Hamilton-Parker is a British psychic known for predicting world events such as a series of terrorist attacks, an international economic recession, the unlikely victory of Donald Trump and Brexit, and is also an expert on the prophecies of Nostradamus. Here are all the Prophecies For 2020

Before her death in 1997, the one-time adviser to First Lady Nancy Reagan claimed Armageddon would come in 2020. Putin offers alternative to Mayan prophecy for date of apocalypse Russian president confounds doom-mongers with scientific approach, calculating that world will end in 4.5bn years Published: 3:34 PM. It's going to be on December 21, 2020. The Mayans are now reorganising and saying this could certainly be the end of the world as we know it.' Pastor Paul Begley. The belief that the Mayan calendar predicted the end of the world on December 21, 2012 (or now 2020) began in 1957 with a statement by Mayanist and astronomer Maud Worcester Makemson whos said “the completion of a Great Period of 13 bʼakʼtuns would have been of the utmost significance to the Maya” and accelerated in 1966 when Mayanist archeologist Michael D. Coe said “Armageddon would overtake the degenerate peoples of the world and all creation on the final day of the 13th bʼakʼtun.

Craig is convinced that the French seer predicted the arrival of a president not so consensual to the United States in one of his books. But he also announced that this same president would be killed between 2019 and 2020.

The British psychic states that Nostradamus’ predictions warn of second chances, but that the president would not be very lucky on his own. First, there will be an assassination attempt that will not succeed, so the US president would have the opportunity to be re-elected in 2020. After the re-election, Trump might be killed. Many of the predictions of Nostradamus 2020 are about the US president and the US. Craig says that in the book “Les Propheties” a truce with Russia is also predicted and that Trump would sign a treaty with Vladimir Putin. It would be very similar to the pact with Kim Jong-un and North Korea.

The popular British psychic continues to say that there are some predictions for the Middle East, but they are not so clear. His interpretation suggests a war in this part of the world in 2020, and people experience the beginning of this war on the final days of 2019.

“In the city of God, there will be great thunder. Two brothers shattered by Chaos while the fortress endures. The great leader will succumb The Third Great War will begin when the great city is burning. ”

The other Prophecies For 2020

Mayan Apocalypse 2020

Apart from the interpretations made by the British psychic Craig Hamilton-Parker, there are also other experts in prophecies who have determined some more predictions of Nostradamus by 2020.

Supposedly, the French seer predicted that a great earthquake would shake the American continent at some point in the year 2020. In the “New World,” the greatest geological catastrophe is likely to occur in the “Western Lands.

Nostradamus also predicted Prophecies For 2020 would be marked by a major economic crisis: Bankruptcy, recession and dark times for the global economy.

Another prediction or Prophecies For 2020 that could be fulfilled within a few months is a sharp rise in sea level. It is a fact that climate change is a big problem in the world at the moment. However, experts in the field say that Nostradamus predicted hundreds of years ago how the global sea level would change the world in 2020. The French seer noted in his quatrains how parts of what we know today as Antarctica will melt causing the global increase from sea level by several meters.

Apparently, global warming will feel much stronger in 2020. It is assumed that Nostradamus predicted that a catastrophic storm will be recorded next year. Many of these storms will become catastrophic hurricanes.

Predictions for last days of 2019

Mayan calendar 2012 2020

Due to their fulfilled prophecies, subject matter experts give much credit to the writings of Nostradamus. And remember that by 2019, the French seer did not have very good news for humanity. And worst of all, many other prophecies have coincided with that of Nostradamus.

“And to an eclipse of the Sun will happen the darkest summer that ever existed, so that they will judge the Earth out of orbit and decrease in eternal darkness. When the sun is completely eclipsed, a new heavenly body will pass in our sky. The monster will be seen in broad daylight. Astronomers will interpret the effects of this body in a different way, so no one will have provisions in the face of hardship. ”

Many of you will think that there is little less left in the month to end this year and that this prophecy has not been fulfilled. But as we already published at the beginning of this year, the independent writer and researcher David S. Montaigne assured that the Mayan apocalypse was not interpreted correctly in 2012 and that the real day of the final judgment will be in the last days of 2019.

According to Montaigne, the 2012 apocalypse, based on the Mayan calendar, was only the beginning of a seven-year tribulation period, and this year marks the end of this period of time.

The researcher argues that the true apocalypse will begin on December 21, 2019, exactly seven years after the Mayan calendar predicted the inevitable day of the final judgment.

But there is more, since on December 28, seven days after December 21, there will be a pole shift on Earth that will trigger natural disasters across the planet. It may seem absurd to imagine it, but it could be the great impact of an asteroid that could cause this pole shift. Such action would cause earthquakes, tsunamis and all kinds of natural disasters, on a scale never seen before.

What should we do now?

We must remember that “prophecy” has a different meaning of “destiny.Seers tell their prophecies to warn that something is about to happen. They serve as a warning and inspiration for humanity to make decisions in order to avoid such events. Let’s think positively and hope that experts can apply actions that avoid this event. Nothing has been decided yet.

Do you think the prophecies of Nostradamus will be fulfilled? Are we living in the last days of civilization as we know it? Feel free to comment below.

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Remember when everyone thought the apocalypse was going to happen on December 21, 2012 because it was predicted by a Mayan calanendar? Well, A scientist recalculated the dates based on a different calendar he believes the Mayans were using and he says the date they actually predicted for the apocalypse was this upcoming Sunday.

Back when the Mayans made their prediction, he believes they were using the Julian calendar, which was the main calendar of the time. The world switched to the Gregorian calendar in 1582, and several days were lost. So, quote, “Following the Julian calendar, we are technically in 2012.” If that’s right, the date that they believed was “December 21, 2012” is June 21, 2020, which is this Sunday.

Because the only thing missing from 2020 is the Mayan apocalypse.

Alternate reading of Mayan calendar suggests end of the world is next week

Mayan Apocalypse 2020 Movie

— New York Post (@nypost) June 13, 2020